Timeline Charts
Showing all 6 results

Ancient Egyptian Music Timeline Chart

Music of Ancient China Timeline Chart
Music of Ancient China Timeline Chart showing ancient instruments. Discusses the Chinese theory of opposites, with music becoming the harmonizing factor between heaven and earth; tells about the Chinese Emperor’s search for the Yellow Sound; and presents the Chinese system … Continued

Music of Ancient Greece Timeline Chart
Music of Ancient Greece timeline chart showing the ancient Greek modes and musical instruments. Discusses musical theory based on the laws of Pythagoras and shows the mathematical relationship between poetry and music. Featured in World In Tune, the integrative curriculum for … Continued

Music of Ancient India Timeline Chart
Music of Ancient India Timeline chart showing ancient instruments and their classification. Discusses the Indian concept of music coming from one sound, with musical ideas presented in the Veda and Natyasastra. Discussion of the ancient method of tuning to arrive … Continued

Music of Sumer and Babylon Timeline Chart